Event name
What’s Your Story? - Build It, Shoot It, Print It, Write It - sponsored by Lamoille Neighbors
Tue 02 / 25 / 2025
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
River Arts
74 Pleasant St
Morrisville VT 05661
74 Pleasant St
Morrisville VT 05661
Who can attend
Open to all
What’s Your Story? - Build It, Shoot It, Print It, Write It
Once again we will be offering a 6 week series of workshops to chase away the winter blues
and get your creativity warmed up. You can choose medium: clay, photography (with a focus on
the iPhone), monoprint making, and writing. Everyone will meet at River Arts on Tues. 1/21:
10:00 - noon and for the closing celebration on Tues. 2/25, again from 10:00 - noon. The
workshops are held in between these two date.
Each workshops is limited to 10 people on a first-come basis. Please register by calling Janice in the office at 802-585-1233 or emailing [email protected]. If you have questions on the content of the workshops please contact Virginia (Wiffy) Brooks at [email protected]