Event name
The Vermont Flower Show - sponsored by Lamoille Neighbors
Fri 03 / 07 / 2025
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Champlain Valley Expo
Essex Junction VT
Essex Junction VT
Who can attend
Members only (login required)
No spots available
Lamoille Neighbors Garden Club will be attending the Vermont Flower Show on March 7th. They will be carpooling and leaving Morrisville at 1pm. (You can drive yourself and meet us there). Limit of 15 people
The cost to get into the show is $23 for Seniors. We may go to the Tea House afterwards.
"At this years show we celebrate and recreate gardening through the ages and discover how we humans learn from the past as we cultivate our own gardens…. The show includes a walk back in time through Medieval, Islamic and Victory gardens.” Lots of information on the website - https://vnlavt.org/vermont-flower-show/ .